Oct 25, 2019
Today on the podcast, your host, Dan Neumann, is
going to be exploring concepts around Agile. This is a very
important topic as a lot of times we go into an organization and
find that there’s a lack of clarity or a lack of common
understanding about what agility really is. Often, it’s
the agile itself that is confused with a popular framework on the
market, or, it is seen to be implementing a different methodology
than what they already have.
In this episode, Dan will be exploring a couple of
these misunderstandings around implementing agility, what exactly
defines agile, and some of the principles behind the Agile
Manifesto and how to correctly engage with them
Key Takeaways
What defines Agile:
As the Agile Manifesto states: “We’re uncovering
better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others
do it. Through this work, we have come to value:
- “Individuals and interactions over processes and
- “Working software over comprehensive
- “Customer collaboration over contract
- “Responding to change over following a plan
- “...While there is value in the items on the right,
we value items on the left more”
- I.e. while there is value in processes, tools,
documentation, contracts, and plans, the Agile Manifesto simply
places more value on individuals and interactions, working
software, customers collaboration, and responding to change
- These agile values have allowed the agile approach
to be more successful and a better way of delivering software than
many alternatives
- Agility is not binary; it’s not that you are agile
or you are not agile — think of it more like a
Common protests and misunderstandings about
- Sometimes the phrase, ‘it’s not agile,” is thrown
around like a weapon — but in the manifesto itself there is nothing
about how the plan is to be displayed; it’s up to the people doing
the work to determine how much documentation is appropriate
- Some argue that agile is simply hip and trendy for
websites or that it only makes sense for delivery of a certain type
of system, yet, amongst the names of the signatories on the Agile
Manifesto there are people that do a variety of work (from extreme
programming to Scrum to embedded software to financial
- A common protest is: “We can’t be agile because we
do _______,” but regardless of the type of work you do, you can
still place value in the items on the left over the right
- You don’t have to be doing Scrum or paired
programming to be agile
Three of the twelve principles behind the Agile
Manifesto and how to correctly engage with them:
- The second principle: “Welcome changing
requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness
change for the customer’s competitive advantage.”
- How to engage with it: In some organizations, change
occurs simply because their opinions change — but it’s key to
really ‘welcome change’ when there is a substantial positive
benefit from making it
- The sixth principle: “The most efficient and
effective method of conveying information to and within a
development team is face-to-face conversation.”
- How to engage with it: though you can email and use
messaging out of convenience, it is really important to engage in
face-to-face conversation whenever you can (especially when
communication seems to be going off the rails)
- The tenth principle: “Simplicity — the art of
maximizing the amount of work not done — is essential.”
- What this principle means: Software development
tends to be laser-focused on getting the requirements from the
customer and doing all of the things that the customer needs… but
the team tends to take an architecture mindset forward and
overbuild (all these extra complexities create a lot more code to
maintain and defers risk); AKA ‘gold-plating’
- How to engage with it: If you want to pursue more
agility, one way to do that is to start looking with a critical eye
at what’s being asked for and take a look at how you’re
implementing it and really try to figure out where there are
opportunities to not do something or not do something
- Remember: Delivering working software for your
customer is the highest priority rather than serving the
Mentioned in this Episode:
The Agile Manifesto
Principles behind the
Agile Manifesto
Microsoft Teams
Dan Neumann’s Book Pick:
The Truth About Animals: Stoned Sloths, Lovelorn Hippos, and
Other Tales from the Wild Side of Wildlife, by Lucy
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